Dear Mr. Obama,
We here on the Liberal Elitist Left want to congratulate you on your recent successes on the World Stage. We particularly like your new SEAL trick and applaud you for working without a net (or washcloth). We also want to applaud you for sticking to the legitimate stage when others are going with the more popular Circus metaphor.
But even on the stage there are pitfalls and pratfalls. Anyone who has watched Shakespeare or Celebrity Apprentice can tell you that as soon as something dramatic, moving or triumphant has happened they do something to quickly change the mood, distract and appease the groundlings who didn’t come to see a death scene. They send in the clowns.
But even on the stage there are pitfalls and pratfalls. Anyone who has watched Shakespeare or Celebrity Apprentice can tell you that as soon as something dramatic, moving or triumphant has happened they do something to quickly change the mood, distract and appease the groundlings who didn’t come to see a death scene. They send in the clowns.
We send this warning because we know that you already have been besieged by other clowns and it may seem like they have all exited (stage right even). But the slapstick comedy of Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, Mike Huckabee and Donald Trump are there to provide cover. You see, theatre employs two kinds of clowns. The first is the rustic, slapstick, banana peel fall on your bumpkin type clowns. They are there to distract, obfuscate and misdirect while the second type, the court jesters wait in the wings.
So this week said jesters came out in fool force as if drawn down by the fool moon. None of them stand a chance at gaining the nomination. They are not liked or wanted by the faithful or the party. They are well funded and are all playing a weird endgame and following the lead of wise-fool McCain who had the great good fortune of watching the real contenders in '08 all shoot each other and then he became the ‘fool on the hill’ made heir apparent (until he imPalined himself). The new fools hope that the real nominees (Pawlenty, Daniels,etc.) make a mistake, reveal a skeleton or all just shoot or bore each other to death.
We know you like to be the adult in the room and it would be easy to let these guys hoist themselves on their own petards (they will) but the GOP don’t suffer fools gladly, lightly or without cause. They are here to do damage in the way the serious contenders can’t. They are like those things on your food processer that push the cabbage in so you don’t lose a finger. Make no mistake; they are here to shove meat in the grinder while the rest wait safely off camera.
We know you like to be the adult in the room and it would be easy to let these guys hoist themselves on their own petards (they will) but the GOP don’t suffer fools gladly, lightly or without cause. They are here to do damage in the way the serious contenders can’t. They are like those things on your food processer that push the cabbage in so you don’t lose a finger. Make no mistake; they are here to shove meat in the grinder while the rest wait safely off camera.
Shakespeare tells us, “A man loves the meat in his youth that he cannot endure in his age.” You are not the candidate of ‘08’ and you cannot let these guys get traction and drag you down into birther type issues like Deathers, Torture, Culture War wedge issues and other fear based memes. It isn’t that we can’t have this discussion, but it means that we control the debate, choose the moment and use our words wisely.
They will eventually self destruct and you won’t face them in November but you must not let them get away before you make the real candidates disavow and ‘refudiate’ them. You must not let them cast immigration, race (yours or others) and class (medicare, welfare, unemployment) etc. as the problem. You must champion the less fortunate and cast them as racist, classist and the true elitists working towards an America that excludes, stratifies and privatizes our rights as they foist their responsibilities on the rest of us.
They will eventually self destruct and you won’t face them in November but you must not let them get away before you make the real candidates disavow and ‘refudiate’ them. You must not let them cast immigration, race (yours or others) and class (medicare, welfare, unemployment) etc. as the problem. You must champion the less fortunate and cast them as racist, classist and the true elitists working towards an America that excludes, stratifies and privatizes our rights as they foist their responsibilities on the rest of us.
The Primary season is a funny thing. These clowns are here to excite the base and rattle the swords of the far right to get out the vote. They will make promises that the GOP has no intention of keeping and they will be discarded like the Kleenex Karaoke Kandidates they are but not until they have done their dirty work and job one, for them, is making it all about you.
Court Jesters have a short shelf life but you can, and must. turn it around. Force the GOP to talk about Medicare and Tax Credits for the rich. Force them to take sides whenever these bozos contradict each other or themselves and always ask the big question. What happened to the promise of Jobs? What significant piece of legislation in the first hundred days created a single job?
Court Jesters have a short shelf life but you can, and must. turn it around. Force the GOP to talk about Medicare and Tax Credits for the rich. Force them to take sides whenever these bozos contradict each other or themselves and always ask the big question. What happened to the promise of Jobs? What significant piece of legislation in the first hundred days created a single job?
Job one is making it all about jobs. Keep ‘em on point and on their own petard…
The Leftist Elites
PS- Don’t quote Shakespeare.
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