Thursday, May 26, 2011

Hochul: Rhymes with 'Local'...

Twenty two years ago, in a country thousands of miles away, an unknown man stood in front of a tank and tried to stop a tank. The Chinese call that time simply 6/4 in the same way we say 9/11. Acts and images arise with those numbers that are indelibly etched on our psyche. The acts of courage and cowardice in these two times are powerful symbols but the thousands of other acts will never be known, remembered or imagined. Life is unfair.

A year and a half from now the giants will do battle for the hearts, minds and votes of the people to see who will lead our country for another four years. By then, we will have forgotten something that happened last week. No one will remember 5/24 or remember the name Kathy Hochul (or even how to pronounce it). Life...

But something extraordinary did happen on that day and, if the Dems and GOP are smart, they will etch this day in the glass of their Iphones as the day they lost or won those hearts and minds. You see, with very little hope, money or support, one woman took on a bastion of conservatism in western New York and beat the GOP congressional candidate with a single commercial and a singular message. 

They want to take a way your Medicare.

While we may not agree on Health Care, Abortion, Taxes, Guns, Gay Marriage, etc. I believe we can all agree that we will all, hopefully, grow old. We also all can agree that life is uncertain and that having money today is no guarantee for the future. The events since 9/11 have shaken our sure and, possibly arrogant, belief that our future is secure. Pensions raided, jobs lost, investments destroyed and a culture of entitlement has been replaced by one of survival of the fittest. The end result is a consensus of fear. Whatever you believe about Medicare, You or someone you love will need it one day or already do.

I'm not a one issue kind of a guy but where there is consensus there should be action. Should be. Life is unsure and, often, unfair. If life were fair we would remember the name of Kathy Hochul. If life were fair we would remember the thousands of people, Democrats, Republicans, Independents and Non-aligned who all realized something we all need to remember .We all need each other. We all need to care for one another. We all need care. Medicare.

We also need brave people like Kathy Hochul. Think Globally, act 'Hochully'.

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