Thursday, June 2, 2011

Tongue Eater Alert!

My sister can be counted on to post the most amazing examples of nature unimagined and sometimes it is the stuff of nightmares. This is a tongue eating parasitic louse. It eats the tongue of its host and replaces it self as the new 'tongue' and then proceeds to eat its host's food, slowly killing it.

I want to believe that nothing is as cruel or unusual as Nature but look at what has happened to the Great Red Snapper called the Republican Party. Something has eaten its tongue and is now firmly entrenched itself as its new 'tongue'. This infestation, called "Tongue Eating American Political Adhocratic Republican Tongue Yawper" or TEAPARTY for short, has successfully replaced the tongue of its host, the GOP.

Aside from the fact that the parasite is not really a part of the Host and only lives off its food-stream, is the more important problem that the Host no longer can 'taste' its food, discern its sources or even gain the full benefit of nourishment before it is usurped by the parasite. In effect, the GOP has lost its taste for the People and feeds instead on Koch Industries, the preferred food of Yawpers.

Witness the Host trying to float a roster of Presidential hopefuls but their tongues are successfully being eaten by 'Yawpers' who replace their ideas and ideals with that of the parasitic mob. The Yawpers infest/control Iowa, the once rich feeding g rounds of the Host. The Yawper Litmus Test will successfully remove the tongues of the successful candidate. By the time these hopefuls navigate upstream to face their final opponent they will have no tongue, and their new 'toingue' will be a flag wagging parasite that will not only kill the Host but will kill the ecosystem we call Democracy.

If crossed, the yawper simply swells up and blocks all food to the Host. The horrible thing about these parasites, though, is that the host does not seem to know it is there. Does not seem to know it has no real tongue and doesn't seem to know its new food supply it shares with the Yawper is slowly poisoning it... Too bad we won't have Medicare to help them.

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