(c)2012 Surcadia
"All warfare is based on deception."
Dear Sun Tzu,
I know you've been dead for a couple thousand years or so but I have this rival that continually does things to me but he does them through other people, by insinuation and by associating with people who are known to do and say hurtful things that he claims to not share their beliefs. It's not about me though. Currently he has declared war on the poor, women, people of color, secularists, and a host of good patriotic people but he does it by using euphemisms, by turning the language against us and by simply denying what he has said in the past. When confronted about things he has done or said he denies it and blames me for those self same things and I can't seem to pin him on anything.
Barack Obama
Dear Commander Obama,
First, we must identify the strategy being employed.
If you were to Google the 'War on Women' or any other 'war' spoken of in popular media you would think that it should be literally littered with pictures, posts, pundits and ponderings about your Mitt Romney. That would not be the case. In fact, under 'the war against women' you will find Romney saying (along with his wife, Ann) that it is you, Obama who is waging a war against women. When asked about the Lilly Ledbetter Act, he feigned ignorance. How often have you heard him say to reporters pointed questions, 'I don't know, but Ill get back to you.' Can he really not remember if he beat up a kid and cut his hair off? Why is he allowed to say the same lies over and over again? Is he the Annoying Orange of Politics? Does he really believe that you, Obama, are Anti Woman? Did he really believe that the Federal Gov't doesn't hire teachers, Police and Fire personnel? Or was he avoiding the question? Or do his Generals read my book, 'The Art Of War'?
“If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him.
If he is in superior strength, evade him.
If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him.
Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant...
- Sun Tzu, 'The Art Of War'
How often have you heard one of his flacks go out and say something only to have Mitt backpedal or totally disavow what was said? It wasn't me... How often have you heard him respond to an accusation simply by accusing his opponent of the same and worse. I know you are but what am I? Why is he trying to wedge people of color? The middle Class? Women? What war? I'm on your side, he's the enemy... 'I'm standing next to Trump for a reason. Can you guess what it is? rhymes with 'earther'...' A reason you can't call him on. Is this stupid? Childish? Or is it brilliant? Be assured its not accidental. Be assured it is only brilliant if it succeeds.
"...If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them.
If sovereign and subject are in accord, put division between them.
Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.”
There are a lot of 'wars' it seems and Romney seems to not be a part of any of them. He has nothing against people of color, for instance, but he can be seen proudly holding hands with Donald Trump. He hasn't proposed any thing against old people but he will tell you that Paul Ryan (whose budget will kill Medicare) is a hero. He is against ObamaCare even though it mirrors his own MittCare in Massachusetts. He would never call a woman a slut like Rush Limbaugh ("...Those wouldn't be the words I'd use.") You get the picture. It's Passive Aggressive Behavior:
"Passive-aggressive behavior is dealing with expectations in interpersonal or occupational situations in an obstructionist or hostile manner that indicates aggression, or, in more general terms, expressing aggression in non-assertive (i.e. passive or indirect) ways..."
"...Passive aggressive behavior can manifest itself as learned helplessness, procrastination, hostility masquerading as jokes, stubbornness, resentment, sullenness, or deliberate/repeated failure to accomplish requested tasks for which one is (often explicitly) responsible."
Second. Now that we have identified the problem we must act. In such instances (where it is psychological warfare) I, and all great generals, turn to that great general who was an adviser to one of your own allies. Oprah. I speak of course of Dr. Phil. What would Dr. Phil do?
These are Dr. Phil's four steps to dealing with Passive Aggressive Behavior:
1. Don't feel guilty. (right makes might)
"Remember that you're not to blame for someone else's passive-aggressive behavior."-Dr. Phil
Do not accept their blame. Stop apologizing. Stop trying to compromise. Stop reaching across the aisle. You did your best at that now stand your ground. No apologies. Your enemy means to destroy you by whatever means and any equivocating or compromise is deadly. You are not responsible for the deficit. You are not responsible the lack of infrastructure jobs. You are not responsible for 'rampant government spending', 'more regulation', 'a war on Christianity' or any number of things being said. You took out Bin Ladin. The Stimulus Package was a success. You are the lowest spending president in recent history. You never apologized to Europe for anything. The list goes on. I know you're busy but please don't wait for the convention 'bump' or the debates to set the record straight. most Americans make up their mind now and just decide whether to vote or not later.
"You have to believe in yourself."
- Sun Tzu, 'The Art Of War'
"Because a passive-aggressive personality doesn't know how to respond appropriately to conflict, he or she will most likely deny everything. It's important to express your concerns and anger, but stick to the facts at hand and how his or her actions make you feel." -Dr. Phil
-Don't let him deny. Don't answer surrogates. He will disavow them. Put Mitt Romney on the spot. Tell the reporters what to ask him. They don't seem to know how to do that.
“Thus the expert in battle moves the enemy, and is not moved by him.”
- Sun Tzu, 'The Art Of War'
-Express your concerns and anger. Don't try to out-robot a robot. The adult in the room has feelings and too often he is laughing away serious situations that effect human life. Then give us the facts and how it makes you feel. Better yet tell us stories of ordinary Americans like you who took out student loans. Use your words.
“If words of command are not clear and distinct,
if orders are not thoroughly understood,
then the general is to blame."
- Sun Tzu, 'The Art Of War'
-Stick to the facts. Remember you are talking to moderates, independents and disenfranchised Republicans. They will decide our fate so show your emotion but show us why. Explain. Like you did when you said you were like the guy who sits down as soon as the glutton has eaten all of the food and sticks you with the bill. We need more facts but they need to be personal, impassioned and absolutely clear and simple.
"Thus, what is of supreme importance in war is to attack the enemy's strategy.
- Sun Tzu, 'The Art Of War'
"Not confronting the passive-aggressive behavior will only reinforce it. Confront the person immediately and let him or her know you are confused by the behavior. If they value the relationship, he or she has to stop the behavior." -Dr. Phil
Take a lesson from Carter, Gore, Kerry and every other Democrat who did not answer his critics lies and accusations. The tactic of not dignifying their attacks simply makes you seem guilty. The adult in the room would call him on his statements but also on his behavior. Make him refute. Make him repudiate. Make him recuse. Make him rescind. Most of all, make him regret. He does not value your relationship and he will not stop this behavior. He does, however, want a relationship with the voters and they are who you should talk to. Give them the tools to ask the right questions, make the right choices and call him out. Every time.
"Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack."
- Sun Tzu, 'The Art Of War'
4. Don't let them get away with bad behavior. (Act as if your life depends on it.)
"Instead of letting the person off the hook and allowing him or her to continue the behavior, try to create an atmosphere in which he or she might feel more comfortable sharing feelings of anger, resentment, fear, etc." -Dr. Phil
And when it is time for the debates, the ads and the campaign swings into full gear, it will be time to make him respond, lash out, show his true colors and the emotions that are now deeply buried under a guy who used to wear cop uniforms to harass people and physically bully homosexuals. That little boy is dying to come out. Martial your forces to create that atmosphere. This is war. They mean to destroy this country and reap untold rewards.
"In the practical art of war, the best thing of all is to take the enemy's country whole and intact;
to shatter and destroy it is not so good."
- Sun Tzu, 'The Art Of War'
One More Thing...
Dr. Phil might also tell you that we are all Mitt's 'co-dependents'. His 'enablers'. What do we know of war? As Americans we have, for the last fifty or so years engaged in wars that we will not admit are wars. Vietnam, Grenada, Iraq, Afghanistan... We attach the name 'war' then to 'things' which are not wars at all. The War on Drugs. The War on Crime... et al, ad nauseum. War is an act. An act against people. Period. Women, children, poor, people of color, foreign descent, homeless, hungry, etc. The enemy sees this as a country, a territory and a land to be conquered, divided and despoiled. 'The War FOR America' When you have identified the 'people' who the real war is against you will have found your allies as well as the enablers of Mitt and his companions. We are those people. Fight the forces of Passive Aggression and Aggression (really fight them) as if there is a real war (there is) and as if we are all your children (we are) and we will join you (we will). Because this is a War. A War ON Americans.
"Regard your soldiers as your children,
and they will follow you into the deepest valleys;
look on them as your own beloved sons,
and they will stand by you even unto death..." -Sun Tzu
Sincerely Yours In Battle,
General Sun Tzu
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